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Krusteaz Belgian Waffle Mix (Belgian-Waffle, 5 Pound (Pack of 2))
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Krusteaz Belgian Waffle Mix (Belgian-Waffle, 5 Pound (Pack of 2))

Product ID: 187207576
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Krusteaz Belgian Waffle Mix: Belgium has given us many great things like beer and chocolate. But the top of the list is the golden brown Belgian waffle. Crispy on the outside, soft and sweet on the inside —it’s definitely Belgium's greatest export. To make, heat your lightly-greased waffle iron, pour about ⅔ cup of batter onto the waffle iron, sizzle away and...enjoy! This order includes a single, 28-ounce box. Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix: Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix is one of our most popular mixes for so many reasons: the fluffy deliciousness, that perfect touch of creamy buttermilk and our easy-to-make, just-add-water mix. These mouthwatering pancakes are great on their own or customized with your favorite toppings and mix-ins. Try Krusteaz with fresh berries and nuts. Substitute coffee for water, add nutmeg and whipped cream, and voila...Spiced Cappuccino Krusteaz Pancakes for Sunday brunch! The possibilities are endless when you open a box of Krusteaz. This order includes one, 32-ounce box. Krusteaz Heart Healthy Pancake Mix: At Krusteaz, we believe that health-consciousness shouldn’t mean less flavor. That’s why we made this pancake mix as light, fluffy and delicious as our classic buttermilk pancake mix. These moist, mouthwatering pancakes are a sure-fire staple for a satisfying breakfast or a late-night pancake snack. Each order includes one 25.2-ounce box.

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