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Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Mild Roast Ground Coffee, 38.8 oz Canister
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Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Mild Roast Ground Coffee, 38.8 oz Canister

Product ID: 223053594
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Take a break with the coffee that practically invented breaks. The day's been a whirlwind and it's far from over. But here's the thing — you're not stressing it. Because you've got it all figured out. You're gonna brew the mild roast made for kicking back and enjoying the aroma. Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Ground Coffee. Just sit back and savor every sip from your steaming cup full of strong, full-bodied Maxwell House flavor. Reset with that consistently delicious taste that hits the spot from the very first sip to the very last drop. And when that cup's empty and you're finally fueled up, you can squint your eyes, gather your gear and roll up your sleeves. Now you're ready to tackle anything, and there’s plenty of Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Mild Roast Ground Coffee ready to recharge you in your 38.8-ounce canister. Let's show 'em what you're made of. Maxwell House. To Your Max.

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago