Honeywell 600 Lumen LED Motion Activated Security Flood Light
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Honeywell 600 Lumen LED Motion Activated Security Flood Light

Product ID: 460405851
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The Honeywell 600 Lumen LED Motion Activated Security Flood Light is an energy efficient solution to enhancing the overall security of your home or place of work. The LED security light activates at dusk when motion is detected and deactivates at dawn on its own. Installation is quick and easy. This outdoor security light was designed to deliver bright white lighting in a small package and is basically maintenance-free. Security Light. This Honeywell 600 Lumen LED Motion Activated Security Flood Light requires no electrical wiring and is battery, which makes it a perfect solution to add lighting wherever It is needed without a direct power source. The Honeywell 600 Lumen LED Motion Activated Security Flood Light is perfect for outdoor exterior walls, fences or sheds and is backed by a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty. Motion activated security flood light Once motion is detected, the LED security light illuminates to provide safe bright white light, wherever light is needed. This motion sensing light can easily be mounted and is designed to withstand most weather conditions The dusk-to-dawn sensor feature allows for energy savings and you don't have to remember to turn the light off or on Battery operated security lights

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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