Ozark Trail 40 F Rectangular Sleeping Bag
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Ozark Trail 40 F Rectangular Sleeping Bag

Product ID: 460469298
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Take the Ozark Trail deluxe extra-large cool weather sleeping bag on your next camping adventure. The Ozark Trail 40F cool weather sleeping bag features a durable, easy-to-clean polyester diamond ripstop shell and has a soft breathable liner. For easy convenience, the dual zippers allow you to fold down the top cover on both sides and easily snap into place. This extra-large sleeping bag measures 36 inches wide by 80 inches long and is recommended for people six feet tall and above. The rectangular shape provides more legroom so you can sleep comfortably and roll from side to side. For even more space or to make it into a two-person bag, zip two bags together to double the size. Whether you are car camping or family camping, you can rest assured that this bag will provide ample room and keep you warm on those cooler spring and fall days. Perfect sleeping bag for your next outdoor adventure 2-Sided zipper allows you to fold down top cover and snap into place Built-in tech storage pocket that is perfect for storing items like keys, wallet, or cell phone Soft and breathable lining to ensure you get a good nights rest Machine washable Made from recycled polyester (shell and lining) Temperature rating: 40 degrees Dimensions: 80" x 36" Product Weight: 3.72 lbs Model Number: 30816

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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